Monday, September 29, 2008

DEBATE: Obama Accuses McCain of Corporate Ties

In the debate the other night I was struck by Obama's comment about how McCain has supported policies that support corporate interests. Obviously, this is the democratic party platform, but what is ironic to me is that both Obama and Biden have been either assisted by or supported corporate interests. This is what Obama said in the Friday debate:

"Now, we also have to recognize that this is a final verdict on eight years of failed economic policies promoted by George Bush, supported by Senator McCain, a theory that basically says that we can shred regulations and consumer protections and give more and more to the most, and somehow prosperity will trickle down."

Joe Biden, is known for being very cozy with the Credit Card companies, since Delaware is home to many of them. Biden, was a driving force and one of the few democrats who supported with credit-card companies efforts to make it harder for people to declare bankruptcy.
was one of the few Democrats who sided with credit-card companies that were trying to make it harder for people to declare bankruptcy. It was also revealed several months ago that his son was a consultant for MBNA, a Delaware-based credit-card company. So I ask, is it possible that Biden is also a supporter of "trickle down" prosperity, supporting big business at the expense of the people? In this time of financial uncertainty, why is no one talking about Biden's support of credit-card companies and anti-bankruptcy laws?

Barack Obama's corporate interests are directly linked to his walled... check out this headline from the NYT's from July 16, 2007:
"Obama Donations Show Strong Wall Street Support"

Among those supporters are Richard S. Fuld Jr., the chief executive of the now disgraced Lehman Brothers, (who some are speculating is largely to blame in the scheme of the economic crisis), Employees of Lehman Brothers, Merill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and J.P Morgan Chase.
Also donating heavily, Former Merill Lynch CEO, Stanley O 'Neal.

I smell Hypocrisy

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