Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reporters Left in the Dark?

So, over tha past couple of day the media has been rampant about the medias overuse of representing presidential candidates in narratives, letting personality take center stage of the political stage. Now, a Politico article is saying that Obama and Biden's campaign has sidelined more journalists "in the 2008 campaign than any [other] in generations," sealing them off from "any meaningful access." It seems both Obama and McCain are guilty of being un-chummy with the reporters as of late. I guess this means no more jokes and casual beers, no wonder journalists are so unhappy:

Politico says:

"Not only do the reporters have little interaction with the candidates, but increasingly they are having little impact on the broad campaign narratives and daily story lines that supply most voters with their impressions of the candidates."

"McCain has not spoken to the press corps that follows him in five weeks, or invited national reporters onto his bus in more than two months"

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