Saturday, October 18, 2008

Late Night Gets It Right

Maybe its not such a bad thing that many people get there news from comic shows and late night shows. According to Media Matters, a recent example shows, "that might be a good thing."
With Obama being hounded by the Media and McCain over his ties to Bill Ayers, for the first time this year McCain was asked about his questionable and close relationship to G. Gordon Liddy, someone you rarely hear about in the media.

So who asked question no one else dared to ask....David Letterman.
According to Media Matters:
The lack of media attention to the Liddy-McCain relationship is one of the clearest double standards in recent political history....... until last night, McCain hadn't been asked a single question* about his ties to Liddy, a convicted felon who has instructed his listeners on how best to shoot law-enforcement agents. Liddy has held a fundraiser for McCain at his home and describes the Arizona senator as an "old friend"; McCain has said he is "proud" of Liddy.

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