Friday, October 17, 2008

More on ACORN

The media, including the AP are continuing to mismanage and get the facts wrong on the ACORN story. Either they do not get it, or they are choosing to ignore the facts. A new report put out by MediaMatters found that of 54 reports on ACORN ran by CNN between October 6 and 15th, they left out vital information about states where there had been voter-fraud in registration applications. Only three of these reports included details of one or the other, but never both important facts.
They failed to mention that:

1) that the statutes of most of those states require third parties registering prospective voters to submit all registration forms they receive; and 2) that actual instances of illegal votes being cast as a result of registration fraud are extremely rare.

Bad reporting by the MSM on an important topic, help propagate the lies told by politicans, allowing McCain to get the facts wrong about alleged voter-registration fraud at ACORN.

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