Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Speaking of "Palling Around......" McCain is Not Doing Much These Days

According to Politico's Mike Allen, there has been a lot of "grumpy McCain" going around lately, like when a Politico reporter tried asking him a question and responded"

"Excuse me, you’re bothering me," McCain said.

It was a surprising rebuke from a politician who once was famous for palling around with reporters, and who was so media-friendly that he was sometimes known as “the senator from ‘Meet the Press.’”

In another example of McCain's crabbiness Allen writes:

McCain sat down with Time magazine, a reporter asked him to define honor, and he snarled, “Read it in my books.” The magazine headlined its prickly McCain interview, “McCain’s prickly Time interview.

Other examples in the article show Politico's and other news organizations perturbed with McCains recent unfriendliness. For the MSM this is like losing a good friend. McCain has often been a darling of the media but has fallen to much criticism as of late, shutting out the media more then they would like. It is clear from this article there is a peevishness being felt in the media.

But beyond what this means to the media....what does this say about McCain.....

The article muses whether McCain's unhappy, crabbiness is the result of not running a "campaign that’s antithetical to his persona." McCain pledged to run a platform in which there would be no smears no 'politics as usual.' But as of late the campaign has become a model for 'politics as usual.' If McCain wanted to run a campaign free of smears, he can. If McCain is unhappy because he has become a slave of the conservative right and is no longer a maverick, only he can change that. By not running on platforms that he truly believes in and serving the conservative agenda, he is choosing to be just another 'grumpy old man.'

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