Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Palin in 2012?

Politico's Roger Simon speculates whether Sarah Palin will win in 2012. That is of course pending McCain losing, or wining and not wanting to run for a second term.

Greg Mueller, a senior presidential aide to Pat Buchanan and Steve Forbes says he can see how
Sarah Palin as the economic populist and traditional American values candidates will be very appealing by the time we get to 2012.
Why is she thinking so far ahead of her VP Slot, the article pointedly remarks on some problems between Palin and McCain:
The discomfort between the two can be palpable. Chuck Todd, the NBC News political director, was in the room when Brian Williams interviewed Palin and McCain recently. “There was a tenseness,” Todd said later. “When you see the two of them together, the chemistry is just not there. You do wonder, is John McCain starting to blame her for things? Blaming himself? Is she blaming him?

I am guessing one and three. John McCain is blaming Palin for demonstrating her inexperience and lack of knowledge. And Palin is blaming McCain for running what she views as a bad campaign — a campaign that did not go after Barack Obama over the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and did not exploit Obama’s statement about how small-town people “cling” to guns and religion — and for never picking a clear message that had any traction with voters.

With exactly one week until the election, speculation over four years from now has already begun.....

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