Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Media Self-Censorship at McCain Rally

Politico's The Crypt Blog is following up on Rep. Robin Hayes (R-N.C.) remarks at a McCain rally in Concord, N.C., this past weekend:
Liberals hate real Americans that work and accomplish and achieve and believe in God.

The quote was published in the New York Observer in an article by Jason Horowitz, who said he stands firmly behind his reporting, after reports from the Hayes camp said these words were never uttered.
Well, it turns out local reporters did not reference Hayes remarks nor did the MSM, who Horowitz said arrived at the event after the Hayes statement was made.
Well, after some good ol' reporting on behalf of Politico it turns out the remarks were in fact made:
"I can guarantee that he said that," local reporter Josh Lanier, who was at the event, tells The Crypt. "I didn’t get the 100 percent exact quote but it was something along the lines of 'liberals hate America — people who work hard, achieve, love God.' That’s pretty much exactly what he said, but I didn’t get it exactly, which is why I didn’t use it."

Christopher Schuler, who also said he attended the event, sent this e-mail into the The Crypt: "I was at the arena Saturday morning in Concord and heard Rep. Hayes say it. It was around 10:30 a.m. Taken back by it at first, but the entire crowd was loving it."

We suppose that means Sara Gregory of the Daily Tar Heel gets the scoop, though she ended up not mentioning it in her write-up of the event.

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